viernes, 27 de abril de 2012

 Welcome to Gijón !

It was the first day of October 2011 and, as the sun set on a warm Saturday evening, I received an unexpected phone call as I was walking up a steep hill road to Premier de Dalt, a small town situated just twenty minutes east of Barcelona. A man by the name of Jeremy was calling to see if I was interested in working for him in a town in the north of Spain called Gijón. I had never heard of this town before, so I did some research online the next day and gave the director of the English Centre a call back and accepted his job offer!

I met my good friend Uri that Sunday evening and we had a final drink before I got ready to pack my suitcase ahead of  an exciting new adventure in Asturias. Coincidentally, his beloved Barcelona F.C were playing Sporting de Gijón that night! I went to bed ahead of the longest commute to work of my life on Monday 3rd October: it involved waking up at 7am and taking a train to Barcelona, taking another train to the airport, flying to Asturias and, finally, getting on a bus to Gijón! I arrived in this unfamiliar town at 3pm, checked into my hotel, had a quick rest and started to teach at the English Centre at was certainly a day to remember!

That Monday marked an unforgettable start to what has been an extremely enjoyable and rewarding time in a wonderful town which will always have a place in my heart.....Gijón!

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


Welcome to the exciting new English Centre blog!

This is an interactive website for teachers, students and parents, as well as anyone interested in this academy, to keep –up-to-date on what´s happening here. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the blog with articles and opinions. During the next few months I will ask some of my students, as well as those of Jeremy (the school´s Director) and Joe (our senior teacher), to write in this blog. In this way we hope to showcase the abilities of students from all ages, studying at all levels. Parents are also encouraged to contribute, as well as use the website to practise their own English.

To begin with, I have asked three of my students (studying at level B1+) to write about why they enjoy studying here at the English Centre. However, before you read their views about the academy, I thought that I would ´kick off´ this blog with an article about how I ended up teaching English in a town which I had never heard of prior to last October: Gijón!

We hope that you enjoy this site!

Richard Das
(Teacher, English Centre)